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夜未央 发表于 2010-3-19 19:38:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Savage Love podcast    Episode 172    010 Feb 2
“野人之爱”播客  第172期    2010年2月2日
(a 3-minute call / response)  3分钟电话问答

在线听 此选段从36:11处开始…
I just wanno say that I think James Cameron has done us all a great disservice with his new Avatar movie, because  immediately following the movie  I realized how much of a huge fetish I now have for giant blue cat people.  So unfair – cos I don’t think in my lifetime i ll ever be able to actualise this. 
[fake advertisement:] Coming soon to a science fiction convention near you : slightly pudgy, white men + women painted blue .. with yellow contacts.
Yeah.  Boo hoo hoo.  Get in line behind the centaur fetishists and the 50-ft-tall women fetishists,  and the people who wanno sleep with Shiva the women with ten arms[1]. .. Yeah. It sucks for you, doesnt it ? 
And I feel the same way.  You know — I ve always been attracted to guys with tiny little waists, and very broad shoulders and nice tits.  And boy did that James [Cameron's character Jake] Sully have a tiny little waist, very broad shoulders and nice tits — when he was ten foot tall and blue and phosphorescent.  I feel yr pain.
What was interesting though watching that movie, besides the amazing arses on the Navi, was : [1] well, the lack of junk — you know, you d think if you were a marine and they put you in this alien body the first thing you d wanno look at is yr dick.  But the first thing he looks at is his hair.  What kind of marine goes first to the hair ?  [I am] just saying.
..What was interesting about the movie, kind of, I thought, was : [2] the sexual politics of it.  You know, for a movie that s this big metaphor / this allegory about honouring and respecting nature and natural rhythms and living in harmony with nature,  it had a sort of peculiarly unnatural take on sexuality.
If you recall: .. James [..] Sully mates with the lady / girl / 10-foot-tall blue cat-person (whose name I cant remember) and they are bonded for life.  And apparently this is [the way it always works on this unbreakable-bond-loving planet] — you know, she s a virgin, right ?  This is gonno be / she s gonno be the new queen, and she s already betrothed to this other dude (who s gonno lead the tribe when her father dies),  and / [but]  then when –you know, there s this big confrontation and it comes out that–  she and Sully have mated / bonded,  it s : nothing can be done.  They’re sealed. Forever. 
It feels very much like a sort of conservative Christian wet dream about the way the natural world should work — but doesn’t.  Because in nature,  sex is messy.  And .. natural sex is almost never strictly monogamous sex.  All sorts of species  –now we know, with DNA testing !–  that we looked at and thought Oh those cute little finches, they’re so monogamous !  We now know that little lady finch is getting it on with other boy finches when mr.Finch is away,  and that mr.Finch isn’t always aware that bla bla bla / whatever.  Real sex / natural sex is like the natural world – it s disorderly, it s messy, it s improvisational.  And yet the Navi –who are so in tune with nature, ha ha ha– have really creepily unnatural sex lives.  [I am ] just saying. 

[1] *Shiva : Dan means Mahamaya, the goddess of dreams (and mother of Buddha), who is represented as having many arms. In Hindu religion, Shiva is the transformer god who can take the form of Mahamaya; he does this by combining himself with Vishnu, the preserver god. Vishnu has many well-known and widely-accepted avatars.
[2] Dan说的十只手的化身应该是摩诃摩耶(Mahamaya),梦之女神(佛陀之生母)。印度教里,湿婆(Shiva)千变万化,他可以和毗湿奴(Vishnu)结合化身为摩诃摩耶。毗湿奴是保护之神,有很多种为世人所知的化身。

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