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夜未央 发表于 2010-8-17 11:37:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Helpful tips for welcoming foreigners to London 欢迎外国人来伦敦的小贴士

Suzanne Merkelson

When China hosted the Summer Olympics in 2008, its government tried to rein in citizens’ bad habits like spitting. Britain is taking a different tack in the run-up to London 2012 with a guide teaching Britons some helpful cultural stereotypes. Some gems include:
A smiling Japanese person is not necessarily happy. 微笑的日本人不一定高兴。
Be careful how you pour wine for an Argentinian. 给阿根廷人倒红酒的时候一定要小心。
Avoid winking at someone from Hong Kong. 别跟香港人眨眼玩(JuliaD:估计是怕被误以为抛媚眼)。
Remember Arabs are not used to being told what to do. 牢记阿拉伯人不习惯别人对他们指手画脚。
Do not be alarmed if South Africans announce that they were held up by robots. 要是南非人说自己被机器人绑架了,千万别当真。
Don’t ask a Brazilian personal questions. 不要问巴西人私人问题。
When meeting Mexicans it is best not to discuss poverty, illegal aliens, earthquakes or their 1845-6 war with America. 跟墨西哥人聊天,最好不要谈贫穷、非法移民、地震以及1845到1856年间的墨美战争。
Never call a Canadian an American. 绝对不要把加拿大人误称作美国人。

And how do foreigners see Britons?

Research shows foreign visitors often find Britain’s mix of cutting-edge modernity and rich cultural heritage ‘’fascinating” and ‘’exciting.” They see British people as ‘’honest,” ‘’funny,’ ‘’kind” and ‘’efficient” but in some cases they wish we offered a more exuberant welcome.

You can see the full list (plus handy descriptions) at VisitBritain, the national tourism agency.
整个清单(以及更多方便的描述)可以在国家旅游局的官网 VisitBritain上找到。



甲醇乙醇补充:关于中国人的部分,这份市民指南是这样说的:• Avoid saying ‘’thank you’’ to a Chinese compliment. 中国人称赞你时不要只说“谢谢”。(要说哪里哪里……)

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