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夜未央 发表于 2010-3-22 01:50:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Savage Love Column   001 Nov 01
“野人之爱”性专栏   2001年11月01日
[译者注] 2001年中期,Dan的一位粉丝写信坦白一次年少手淫的古怪经历。事发当时他觉得很丢人,回想起来又觉得很好玩儿。因此他建议Dan对众粉丝们发起分享自己尴尬经历的邀请。随后Dan发起了MHS(MASTURBATION HORROR STORY) PK赛。他称将分类整理邮件并阅读,然后挑选出其中经典的发布在SAVAGE LOVE COLUMN。另外他还承诺将由公正第三方评选出两个最经典的故事—男孩1篇,女孩1篇。
Tons of people sent in their masturbation horror stories and I apologize for the delay in getting the best of them into the column. These have been forwarded to my hastily assembled Grand Council of Masturbation Experts. The Grand Council will award a selection of gender-appropriate masturbation aides to the authors of the most horrifying boys’ and girls’ masturbation stories.
But first a few notes about how we narrowed down the field:  All MHS that sounded like urban legends were discarded, as were all stories involving parental discovery. Stories that involved simple discomfort, bearable humiliation, or short-term inconvenience didn’t make the cut. But by far the largest category of disqualified stories (more than a thousand) were from people who burned themselves masturbating with BenGay, Vick’s VapoRub, Nair, Sea Breeze, Old Spice, dandruff shampoo, Flexall 454, Preparation H, toothpaste, hands that recently handled jalapeno peppers or poison ivy, microwaved tomatoes, cantaloupes, watermelons, etc. Some of these holy-shit-I-burned-my-dick/twat stories were highly entertaining, it’s true, but ultimately they were too commonplace to be all that interesting.
1.  “火星的,早就成段子的”OUT;
2.  “被父母发现的”OUT;
3.  “M的不怎么舒服、不怎么尴尬、或M期间暂时被打扰打断的”OUT
4.“ M伤自己的”OUT(目前这一类事件最多,已超过1K了吧)
P.S.列举一下M工具:(BenGay)镇痛膏、(Vick’s VapoRub)止咳清凉薄荷膏、(Nair)脱毛膏、 (Sea Breeze)护发素防晒霜、(Old Spice)防臭止汗膏、去屑洗发水、(Flexall 454)止痛膏、(Preparation H)痔疮膏、牙膏、刚接触过墨西哥胡椒或有毒的常春藤的手、微波的西红柿、哈密瓜、西瓜等

6 Girls’ Stories — 6个女孩的MHS故事
My MHS probably won’t see the light of day because it’s just too weird and disturbing. My kid brother was only around five years old at the time of this incident. I was around seven, which will hopefully spare me any accusations of being a horrible child molester.
The incident unfolded as follows: I was lying on the couch with my pants down, rubbing myself with my security blanket. My kid brother walked in the room and didn’t notice anything weird going on. There was a palm frond on the floor (it was shortly after Easter), and it struck me that the frond would feel very nice tickling my anus. So I asked my brother to do it for me, since I couldn’t masturbate and perform palm-frond tickling at the same time. He complied for about three seconds before his freak-out mechanism kicked in. He sprinted upstairs and told my mom what I was doing. She spanked me and took away my security blanket, which I never saw again.
In my own defense, I never tried anything sexual with my brother again, and have found him fairly repellent for many years now. And it wasn’t about my brother, anyway. I just needed someone to manipulate the palm frond.
Adopted, So It’s Not Incest(非亲生,非乱伦)
I was obsessed with Mickey Mouse when I was a child, so my parents would give me Mickey things for my birthday and Christmas. One present happened to be a Mickey Mouse electric toothbrush. It became my new most favorite thing in the world. Well, one day my toothbrush disappeared. I was crushed and utterly confused. My mother blamed one of my “no-good friends.”
Anyway, months passed and I slowly got over my loss. One morning I woke up early, and being too young to cook myself breakfast, I went into my mother’s bedroom. She was lying on her side, with her back to me. She was making noises–weird, groany, moany noises. Thinking she was having a bad dream, I ran up to the bed and grabbed her arm and told her to wake up. She screamed. I screamed. Then I saw my Mickey Mouse electric toothbrush in her hand. I grabbed it and ran out of the room, down the hallway, and into my room, slamming the door behind me. I sat on my bed red-faced with anger. Not only had my own mother stolen my most favorite thing in the world, but now it stank.
Traumatized At Age Six(6岁的创伤)
When: I was 12. Where: Bathroom. What: Stepfather’s electric toothbrush. With the subtle purring of that device, I rubbed it up and down, all around, until I was close, oh so close, to coming. (Didn’t actually achieve the big O until I was 15.) My stepfather comes down the stairs and says, “Who used my toothbrush?” How did he know? Well, it was wet (yes, I washed it), and it was dead. It needed a new charge! I said it wasn’t me, but he looked me deep in the eyes. To this day, I think he knew.
时间:12岁  地点:洗手间  M工具:后爹的电动牙刷
我用电动牙刷来回绕圈摩擦,伴随着它微妙的鸣叫声,曾经跟高潮无限无限接近过(我15岁才真正体验到高潮的滋味儿)。后来后爹从楼上奔下来问说:“谁用了我的牙刷?“ 呃,他怎么知道的呢?原因如下:牙刷湿了(我事后洗过)还动不了了。要更换新电池(M到没电了)!我说没用过,但他深深地看着我。直到今天,我一直觉得他当时就知道肯定是我用滴。
Sincerely, Diane(此致,黛安)
If this ain’t friendship, I don’t know what is: One of my friends in ninth grade was obsessed with masturbating. One evening I got a call from her and she was speaking very softly, but rapidly, obviously in tears. She told me that she had shoved a hot dog up her vagina trying to get off and couldn’t get it out. This was the same girl who, not two weeks before, had burned her vagina trying to masturbate with a curling iron which she THOUGHT was only mildly warmed. I wanted to hang up and run away, but she was so upset I went over to try to help her. She answered the door, walking very awkwardly and trying to appear cheerful in front of her mom. In her room, we quickly realized that there was nothing either of us could do. Leaving her sobbing in her room, I went and explained to her mother why her daughter needed to go to the emergency room. That was fun. With the help of a 19-year-old uncle, I bought her a vibrator for her next birthday.
Thankful To Have Been A Frigid Teenager(庆幸自己有个性冷感的青春期)
I was a 16-year-old girl visiting my very old-school grandparents while on summer break. I had also recently discovered the joys of masturbation. For some reason, I decided to see if I could fit my entire hand into my vagina. Well, I managed to fit it, but I couldn’t get it back out. I had to call my grandmother for help. She couldn’t get it out either. I wound up wrapped in a blanket, sitting in the emergency room. The nice doctor managed to lube me up and stretch me enough to finally get it out.
Handy-Work In Canada(加拿大手工活)
I was in school and really horny (probably had my mind on some guy). So I got a pass for the bathroom, went into a stall, pulled down my pants, and started fingering myself. Suddenly the stall door opened. I hadn’t carefully locked the door in my rush to fingerfuck myself. But it wasn’t another student at the door–it was my Spanish teacher! Needless to say, I cut my Spanish class that day. My Spanish teacher never called on me or made eye contact with me again. She would, however, glance at my hands and make disgusted faces.
Ain’t No Bedtime Story(非睡前故事)
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