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夜未央 发表于 2011-9-30 11:59:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The most hated woman in China becomes a manicurist in a Brooklyn salon... and she's still on the hunt for Mr Right   
中国最遭人恨的女人成了布鲁克林的一名美甲师……而她寻找意中人的脚步依然没停  New York is a Mecca for American stars of stage and screen, but rather than seeking attention at the city's hot spots, one Chinese internet sensation has been hiding out in a nail salon in Brooklyn because of the backlash she received in her own country.   
纽约是美国影视明星的圣城,但这名中国网络红人却没有选择在城市热点中寻找关注,反而是窝在了布鲁克林区的一家美甲店躲避来自祖国的负面声音。  Feng Luoyu, 27, who became a national laughingstock in China, now lives and works in Brooklyn as a manicurist.   
27岁的罗玉凤曾是整个中国的笑柄,现在则生活在布鲁克林做美甲师。  She shot to fame two years ago when she handed out flyers in Shanghai with specific demands for potential suitors.   
两年前她因在上海发放要求详细的征友传单而一夜成名。      Her ideal man had to be a graduate of one of the country's top universities who studied economics 'or something similar'.   
她眼中的理想男人必须是从中国顶尖大学毕业,而且学的也必须是经济或者“相类似的学科”。  Mr Right had to be between 5ft 9in and 6ft tall- a range which would tower over her own 4ft 6in- and a native of eastern coastal China.   
她的梦中情人必须身高175到180,完全盖过她自己145厘米,而且还要来自中国东部沿海城市。  The man could not have had any previous children, nor could he have any ex-girlfriends who had received abortions. 
此人不能有以前的孩子,也不能有曾经流产过的前女友。  She went so far as to specify where the man could be employed, writing 'he should not be an employee of state companies, but it’s OK if he works for PetroChina, Sinopec or top banks' on the leaflet. This requirement also stood out because of her position at the time as a cashier at a local branch of Carrefour supermarket.   
她甚至还具体要求了该男子的工作,她写道:“他不能是国企员工,但中石油、中石化或者大银行的话可以考虑。”而她自己则不过是一家地级家乐福超市的收银员而已,这让这一要求显得特别突兀。  Known as 'Sister Phoenix' or 'Sister Feng' on the web, she was targeted because of the contrast between her exacting demands and her own plain looks, below average height (4'9''), and low salary (at the time, it was the equivalent of $146 per month).   
在网上被称为“凤姐”的她因其高要求跟自己的低条件间的巨大落差而遭到攻击。毕竟她自己身高低于常人(145厘米),收入也很少(当时只有约146美元一个月)。    'I was hated in China and don’t wanted to be hated by people here,' Ms Feng said to The New York Post in her native Chinese.   
“我在中国遭人恨,不想在这里继续被人们憎恨了。”凤姐用母语中文告诉纽约邮报。  'America is still a place where anyone can succeed. I can open a small business, develop into a big business, take it public and then global,' she continued.   
“美国还是一个任何人都能成功的地方。我可以做点小生意,然后慢慢扩大,然后上市最后发展到国际上。”  Ms Feng posts frequently to her 1.4million followers on Sina Weibo- the Chinese equivalent of Twitter- and in December she reasserted her focus on finding a mate.   
凤姐常常在新浪微博——中国版的Twitter上跟她的140万粉丝对话,去年12月她再次重申了自己一定要找到好伴侣。  'I believe as a woman, getting married should be a profession. For women, getting married and having children is the greatest happiness. Although I don’t have these, I am working hard [towards them],' she wrote.   
“我相信作为女人,结婚应该是一种职业。对女人而言,结婚生子是最快乐的。虽然我还没有这些,但我一直在努力。”她这样写道。  Since her move state side earlier this year, Feng adjusted her criteria accordingly: now she hopes to find a 'real American' with an Ivy League degree.   
自从她在今年早些时候搬到美国后,凤姐就对自己的择偶标准作了相应的调整。现在她要找的是一个常春藤大学毕业的“真正的美国人”。  原文链接: dailymail

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