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『牛人介绍』腹语达人-Jeff Dunham

夜未央 发表于 2010-8-19 08:02:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Jeff Dunham (born 1962 in Dallas, Texas) is an American ventriloquist and stand-up comedian who has also appeared on numerous television shows, including Star Search,Late Show with David Letterman, Comedy Central Presents, The Tonight Show and Sonny With a Chance. He is familiar to Comedy Central audiences for his three specials on that network: Jeff Dunham: Arguing with Myself, Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity, and Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special. Dunham also starred in The Jeff Dunham Show for one season on the network in 2009. His style has been described as “a dressed-down, more digestible version of Don Rickles with multiple personality disorder”.Describing his characters, Time observes, “All of them are politically incorrect, gratuitously insulting and ill tempered.”Dunham has been credited with reviving ventriloquism, and doing more to promote the art form than anyone since Edgar Bergen.
jeff Dunham 是个著名的美国腹语大师。他参加的秀和节目不计其数。他表演的风格被描述为:不穿戏服,更通俗易懂。且有多重性格的Don Rickles大爷(此人以表演骂街秀出名)。TIME是这样形容他和他的木偶:一群政治上的少数派,毫无理由的骂街,还脾气坏的出奇。jeff一直都被认为是重振腹语术的领军人物。
Dunham has been called “America’s favorite comedian” by Slate.com, and according to the concert industry publication Pollstar, he is the top-grossing standup act in North America, and is among the most successful acts in Europe as well. As of March 2009, he has sold over four million DVDs, an additional 7 million dollars in merchandise sales, and received more than 350 million hits on YouTube (his introduction of Achmed the Dead Terrorist in Spark of Insanity is the ninth most watched YouTube video ever), making him one of the most-viewed entertainers of all time. Spark of Insanity received the best reviews of any DVD on Amazon.com in 2008, and A Very Special Christmas Special was the most-watched telecast in Comedy Central history, with its DVD going quadruple platinum (selling over 400,000) in its first two weeks.Forbes.com ranked Dunham as the third highest paid comedian in the United States behind Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock, and reported that he was one of the highest earning comics from June 2008 to June 2009, earning approximately $30 million during that period.
Jeff 被slate.com叫做:美国人民喜爱的喜剧艺术家。Pollstar调查显示他是北美最成功的相声演员,在欧洲名头也不小。截止到2009年3月,他卖出了400万份演出DVD,700万美元的衍生产品销售额。在youtube上获得了超过3.5亿次的点击(死恐怖分子木偶Achmed出场秀视频达到了youtube历史点击率最高视频排行榜第9的成绩!)这让他成为史上最多人看过的艺人。福布斯称其为史上第三赚钱的喜剧演员。



Walter is a retired, grumpy old man with arms always crossed in discontent. He has a brash, negative and often sarcastic view on today’s world. He is a Vietnam War veteran and a former welder, and “doesn’t give a damn” about anyone, especially his own wife and certain audience members. Walter has appeared in all three Comedy Central specials. He’s been married for several decades, and when Dunham asks him if he remembers the happiest moment of his life after Walter tells him he has been married for forty-six years, Walter responds, “Forty-seven years ago!” Dunham created the Walter puppet himself, including both the initial sculpture and the silicon mold, though he eventually began using professional effects companies for the latter stages with his subsequent puppets.

Peanut is a hyperactive,purple-skinned “woozle”with white fur covering most of his body, a tuft of green hair on the top of his head, and one red sneaker on his left foot. Dunham explains in Arguing with Myselfthat Peanut is from a small Micronesian island, and that they met in Florida. Peanut’s humor is not based on a particular motif or stereotype, as those of the other characters, and has been described as “the bad kid”.He often makes fun of Dunham, and torments and mocks José Jalapeño on a Stick. Touching upon his unusual appearance and personality, he asks Dunham in Arguing with Myself, after Dunham denies ever having done drugs, “Then how the hell did you come up with me?”
Achmed the Dead Terrorist

Achmed is the skeletal corpse of an incompetent suicide bomber. He is used by Dunham to satirize the contemporary issue of terrorism. He is known for yelling, “Silence! I kill you!” to Dunham and people in the audience who laugh at him (or laugh with him, as he rarely makes the distinction). Achmed first appeared in Spark of Insanity, and later made an appearance in the Very Special Christmas Special, singing a song called “Jingle Bombs”. Most of the humor Dunham expresses with Achmed centers on this motif. When mentioning that Achmed appears to be dead because he’s a skeleton, Achmed responds, “It’s a flesh wound.” When Dunham inquires as to how he died, Achmed explains his incompetence with explosives, while also casting aspersions on Dunham’s sexual prowess, by saying that they both suffer from “premature detonation.” Although he frequently mentions working for Osama Bin Laden, Achmed claims he doesn’t think he’s a Muslim (“look at my ass! It says ‘Made in China’”). As of June 2009, the sketch in which Dunham introduced Achmed is the fourth most watched online video ever, having amassed nearly 200 million views.
Achmed 是个自杀人弹的骨架。他明显是个用来讽刺恐怖主义的人物。他最著名的口头禅是:收声!我杀你! Achmed 让人记住是在某一个秀上大唱:jingle bombs来庆祝圣诞节。当jeff说起来Achmed看起来好想死了,因为他是具骨架。Achmed说:这只是皮肉伤罢了。当问起他是怎么死的时候。他说他点炸弹技术不到位,并且反击道:他和jeff都是早产儿。他的后果是对炸弹不熟悉,而jeff是性方面不熟悉(这个不知道怎么翻译)。他还老提起他和本拉登工作的事,然后说他觉得自己不是穆斯林,因为屁股上写了:made in china。
死掉的恐怖分子也是我最喜欢的角色!眉毛眼睛组成的表情真是太可爱了。I kill U!


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