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夜未央 发表于 2010-3-19 11:14:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


今天小抄又出了一个新专栏哦。『老外说性』专栏是我们翻译美国知名专栏作家Daniel Savage的播客Savage Love而成的一个性专栏。不定期更新,将带大家听听这位美国火爆性专家的性爱观。
Daniel Savage,1964年生,美籍爱尔兰人,性专家兼公民自由论者。西雅图非营利性报纸的创始人之一,创于1991年。 Daniel撰写性咨询专栏【Savage Love】走红,北美各大报纸都有刊登。Savage Love直译是“野人之爱”或者说“野蛮的爱”,该专栏名不仅取之于Dan的姓氏,还与1979年在NewYork  Theatre公演的舞台剧同名,该剧本由好莱坞著名演员Sam Sheperd编写。 2006年10月Savage还在网站开通同名播客 ,至今已近4载持续每周二更新。 今天我所翻译的内容就是选自该播客2010年2月16日的第174期。感谢我们不留名的XX为我们听译提供书面稿!
Savage Love podcast    Episode 174    010 Feb 16
“野人之爱”播客  第174期    2010年2月16日
(an 8-minute call / response)  8分钟电话问答

在线听 此选段从06:37处开始…
Hey, Dan.  I have a young daughter, 17, who s just become sexually active.  I m a frequent listener to yr show.  I m very open with her.  I d love it if you could just give me a spiel that I could play back for her. Because she doesn’t listen to me about this stuff.
嗨,Dan。我女儿今年17岁,处于性蠢动期(sexually active:踏入成人世界。。。即非处了)。我是你节目的忠实听众。我跟女儿无所不谈,但是她在这方面根本不听我的。我希望你可以提供有一些好的建议,我可以放给她听听。
She hears me, she listens to me –she s a very loving child-  but she doesn’t listen to me.  Does that make sense?  It s like: she gives me a nod, a pat on the back,  and I can see in her face that she s just thinkingDad, stop being a retard.  And I think if she hears it from someone else, especially someone who delivers it with the panache that you do, I think that she d really get the picture.  And plus it would make me laugh for her to hear me call in and have you respond and give her advice.
You know that face she makes when you talk to her and you try to be serious or give her some advice about sex,  or shape her world view about sex — that face where she is looking at you like you’re retarded ?  She s listening.  She has to make that face.  All children have to make that face. Particularly when their parents talk to them about sex.  It doesnt mean she isn’t listening.  It doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate the effort.  It doesnt mean that the things you say won’t sink in, and that she won’t take Dad’s advice.  She just has to looklike Dad s advice –particularly when it comes to sex- is the last thing she wants.  And she s still going to -at least- give you a hearing,  whatever the face she s making.
Now I m not sure which Lecture for young people who have just become sexually active you want — the If you’re having anal sex, you arent a virgin anymore talk,  the You have options beyond vaginal intercourse where you can be fully intimate talk.  And then there s the birth control talk,  and the disease talk.  There s many talks.
But if I had a seventeen-year-old daughter who s just becoming sexually active,  this is what I would tell her:
We’re gonno march yr arse down to planned parenthood and make a donation and get you some goddamn effective birth control and we’re gonno sit there and we re gonno listen to the nice counselor lady walk you through your options.
And then I would tell her this (despite the looks playing on her face – I would endure those slings and arrows and glares):
Sex isn’t just vaginal intercourse.  Vaginal intercourse is for your young daughter perhaps the riskiestkind of sex because it carries a risk of pregnancy — which can really derail your young life.
You can be fully intimate.  Don’t regard penetrative sex as the be-all and  end-all – as, you know, I m a sexually active adult now, so I must always get fucked in my twat and have cum running down my legs. You can be sexually active and expressive.  There are degrees of intimacy and gradations of risk.
I want you to enjoy your sex life.  I want you to enjoy your sexual and erotic power.   I want you to enjoy your boyfriend.  But you need to use birth control.  You need to not be a slut.  I m not saying that to her-as-a-girl, in a sexist way — I will say the exact same thing to my son come the day.  You need to not be a slut.  You need to be choosy about your sexual partners because there s not just physical risk when you bring somebody into your bed and into your body, there s emotional risk when you let somebody in like that.
And so when you’re just getting to know someone sexually, you don’t have to go right from making out and getting acquainted to getting fucked.  There are hand-jobs and oral sex and frottage ..  There s all these things that you can do that are really pleasurable,  that are adult sexual activities,   that allow you to be fully intimate.
And that reserves full-on penetrative vaginal intercourse for someone you’re serious about,  someone you know something about,  someone you’ve gotten to know sexually already,  someone you trust inside you.
And that should be a higher bar — when you’re going to trust somebody who s inside you.
Sex is powerful.  Our erotic inner lives are powerful.  And –as somebody said to Spider-man– with great power comes great responsibility.
And she has to be responsible to herself.
Responsible also to her family.  I do think that your sexual life impacts your family. &#160articularly if you’re young person.  If you’re going to knock somebody up at 17, or get knocked up at 17, your parents are really gonno have to rush in and perhaps turn their lives upside down to help you through that.
And so you need to be responsible to your partner, responsible to yourself, responsible to yr family.  Use birth control.
You need to be choosy and wise about the people you’re sleeping with, you need to go to your parents for advice about the people you’re sleeping with.  I know that that sounds horrible – but you dont have the bullshit detectors at 17 that your mother and your father may have in their 30s and 40s.  You havent been down this road.  You havent been lied to like they have been lied to,  You may not see through the lies as quickly.

I don’t think your parents should have a veto power over the people that you date.  But you need to hear them out.  And look at the people that you date through their eyes.
But most importantly you need to use birth control and use it effectively and use it wisely and use it correctly,  because at 17, sexually active and a female, pregnancy is the disaster that you wanno avoid.
And beyond pregnancy there s also sexually transmitted infections to    worry about.  One of the prices of admission for being a sexually active adult is that there are sexually transmitted infections that you will probably contract — like the human papilloma virus, or HPV, for which there is a vaccine available  (I hope you were vaccinated when it became available, before you were sexually active  if not you re probably going to have to just get it like so many other people,  and then monitor your health and get your check–ups).
And even if you’re using an IUD, even if you’re on the [birth control] Pill,  I do think that you should use condoms for the disease protection that they afford.  They’re not going to protect you from everything.  Skin-to-skin contact can transmit certain sexually transmitted infections like Herpes, like Chlamydia.  But they will protect you (offer a great deal of protection) from scary shit like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, HIV –  and lower your risk for other things, like Chlamydia and HPV.
These are things to consider,  things to think about.  This is why you need to move wisely into your sexually active years.
But also you need to know that one of the things you’re doing when you become sexually active is saying I will shoulder these risks.  I will take these risks on.  And sex is worth it.   I m not telling you — I m not trying to be scary and say You shouldn’t have sex. Sex is worth the risk.  Snow-boarding is worth the risk of a broken leg.  Sex is worth the risk of a sexually transmitted infection.
But it is a risk. And sexually transmitted infections are insanely common among particularly [US]Americanteenagers because our sexual education is so bad, and our access to health care is so insufficient.  And our country is run –and has been run– by such bat-shit crazy religious lunatics for so long  that all your lives are really on the line and in danger.
USAis controled by Christians who
1.refuse to put sexual education in the schools
2.refuse to provide abortions
3.refuse equal rights for gays
4.think AIDS etc are God’s punishment

1. 不允许学校进行性教育

2. 不允许医院提供堕胎

3. 拒绝给予同性恋者平等权利

4. 认为AIDS是上帝对人类的惩罚的人

So –
Be choosy about your sex partners.
Use protection.
Use birth control.
Listen to your Dad.
And stop making that fucking face.


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