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夜未央 发表于 2010-5-4 23:53:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在Asylum看到一篇挺好玩的老外博客《10 Things You Should Never Say to a Lesbian(十大绝对不要跟拉拉说的话)》,一个女同志(Nikki Dowling,下图里的红衣女就是她)给所有男性同胞列出来的绝对不要跟拉拉说的十大“禁句”。听说现在大学里男同女同都越来越多了,大家也应该学习学习如何不要冒犯人家哦。女同虽然是女的,可也有不少甚为彪悍的mm哦,小心被扁。。。下面是JuliaD为大家翻译的全文:
Lesbians are great for hanging out with, talking to about sports and beating you in arm wresting. Unfortunately, the porn industry has also done a pretty good job of convincing you lesbians also want to have sex with you.

Luckily, this real, flesh-and-blood lesbian to set you straight (heh). Without further ado, here are a few lines that are almost certain to get you ousted from lesbian ladies night at your local pool hall.

[blockquote]10. “You just haven’t met the right guy yet.” No, but I certainly seem to be talking to the wrong one right now. Maybe you haven’t met the right guy.

10、“你只是没遇到对的男人啦。” 去你的吧。不过按照现在的情况,我今天确实没遇到对的男人,你就很错。话说回来,你是不是也没遇到对的“男人”啊?遇到了你就同了?
9. “Wanna have a threesome?” No, but I’ll take your girl home and teach her a thing or two about what she’s been missing.

8. “Lesbians can’t have sex.” Oh yeah? You just keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better

7. “So who’s the man in your relationship?” Maybe you didn’t notice but there is no man in this relationship because we’re both girls. That’s sorta the point of being gay.

7、“那你们俩谁演男的啊?” 我俩都是女的,所以没有男的。我们要是想要男的,就不拉拉了。
6. “You don’t look gay.” What is that supposed to mean? Just because I’m not wearing a bandanna and baggy jeans and riding in a pickup truck doesn’t mean I’m going to sleep with you. Go away.

5. “How do you know you’re gay? Are you sure?” If you want me to answer this honestly, you’d better sit down because it’s going to take a while. See, I have to tell you about the painful realization that started when I was 14, and the agonizing coming-out process. But I probably don’t want to share this with a complete stranger, so it’s likely I’ll just tell you that, if I had any doubts before I met you, they’re gone now.

5、“你怎么知道自己是同性恋啊?你确定不?” 想听真话的话,您最好坐下来听我细说。要说就要从我十四岁就走上的这条痛苦的自我认识之路开始了,还要加上荆棘满途的出柜经历。可惜的是,我可不想跟个陌生人掏心掏肺的。就这么跟你说吧:要是说遇到你之前我还对自己的性向存疑的话,现在我就完全可以肯定了。
4. “I think they should just give gay people civil unions.” Gee, thanks so much for your support! Separate But Equal is always the way to go, right?

3. “But you’ve been with a man, right?” Yes, take a deep breath. I know what I’m “missing,” and I gotta tell you, fellas, it’s not much. Also, don’t take the fact that I’ve been with a dude as an invitation to question my sexuality.

3、“不过你之前交过男朋友吧?” 是的,我交过,深呼吸一下。我知道我“错过”的是什么。跟你直说了吧,我一点都不觉得可惜。还有,不要因为我交过男朋友就开始怀疑我的性向。

2. “Dyke.”
Don’t use this word. Somehow it has snuck into everyday vernacular, but it’s derogatory and offensive. File it under “homophobic” and shut up.

1. “Can I watch?” No.

1、“你俩OOXX的时候我能看不?” 去你的吧。
注[1]:civil unions 民事结合,只经过政府公证的婚姻,区别于传统的附有宗教意义的婚姻。不少国家同性可以公证结婚,但不能进入教堂。相当于中国的领证不办酒吧。

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