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夜未央 发表于 2010-5-27 20:13:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Savage Love Column        May 27, 2010
“野人之爱”性专栏         2010年5月27日

My boyfriend/fiancé likes to be put in a cage, and we have a very scary-looking cage in my closet. (God help me if my mother ever finds it—I’ll be in more trouble than that guy whose mother found his life-size sex doll!) His biggest turn-on is to come home on Friday night, go right into his cage, and for me to keep him there until Sunday morning. I only let him out if he needs to have a bowel movement or if I want to screw. (There’s a bottle of water in his cage if he gets thirsty and an empty bottle if he needs to pee, and he doesn’t get fed much because he’s not exactly burning calories in there.)
I’ve been reading your column since I was 19 (I’m 27 now), I’m GGG[1], and I’m happy to do this for my boyfriend. And knowing he’s in there waiting for me—and doing crunches to pass the time (you should see his abs!)—does make me horny, too. The issue: I won’t leave our apartment when he’s locked up. What if there’s a fire? Or we get burgled? Or if there’s a meteor strike? Or a terrorist attack? He says I’m being paranoid and that it really turns him on to know that I’m out with my girlfriends, having drinks or whatever, while he’s locked up in my closet “with the rest of my things.” Who’s in the right here?
My Boyfriend Is My Prisoner
P.S. Our only other conflict: He insisted we find a place with two closets, one of them walk-in, because he wants to be stored in my closet, not a shared closet, “with the rest of my things.” (That phrase really turns him on—he’s one of my things!) We passed on some beautiful apartments because the closets weren’t perfect, and my mom—who helped with the down payment and apartment-shopped with us—thought we were crazy. If only she knew!
You’re in the right, MBIMP[2]. If there’s a fire or a burglary or meteor strike—or if you get hit by a car and wind up in a coma for three months and he slowly starves to death in your apartment—then you could go to jail for manslaughter and/or negligent homicide. So that fiancé thing of yours shouldn’t be left alone when he’s in his cage; no one should ever be left alone tied up and/or imprisoned. If he insists on you going out on a cage weekend, MBIMP, then you’ll have to hire a sitter—bondage, not baby. Take out a personal ad, lay out what you need (someone to be there, in case something happens, but that’s all), and very, very carefully interview applicants. Better yet, get involved with your local BDSM[3] group, make some kinky friends, and see if anyone is up for a little bondagesitting.
你是对的。MBIMP. 如果火灾发生或者入室抢劫或者陨石袭击地球—或者你被车撞了在医院昏迷了3个月,他慢慢饿死在你们的公寓—你就会因误杀和/或者过失杀人罪入狱。所以你这个未婚夫物品被关在笼子里的时候不应该单独在家。任何人在绑着或者/和囚禁的时候都不应该单独在家。如果他坚持让你出去,MBIMP,你应该雇个看管人—看管捆绑而不是小孩。发个私人广告,列出你的要求(呆在家里以防意外的发生,仅此而已)非常仔细地面试这些应聘的人。还有更好的,参加你们本地的捆绑性虐组织,交识志趣相投的朋友,看看有没有人愿意做你们这个捆绑看管人。
Or, hey, you can live a little dangerously: Give your boyfriend a cell phone, don’t go far, and instruct your prisoner to call if he smells smoke while he’s doing his crunches.
[1]译者注:GGG 是“good(好),given(付出),game(配合)”三个英文单词首字母。指的是“床技好”、“共同付出争取同等的愉悦”、“配合伴侣的合理要求”。
[2]译者注:MBIMP是对来信者My Boyfriend Is My Prisoner(我的男友是我的囚犯)的简称。

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